Keywords - Function Groups - @ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Flow Control

Inside a switch statement break marks the end of a case block. The procedure is continued at the keyword endsw. It can be omitted.
Inside a switch-endsw block case controls the execution of an alternative. If the condition of case is true, the following block is executed similar to an if-endif statement. The keyword break serves as end marker of case and leaves the switch block at the position of endsw. When break is omitted,
When the program's counter comes inside a switch construct to the keyword default, the following commands are processed in any case. A default statement can be finished by the keyword break, but does not have to.
do starts a loop until the first element of the argument of until is true. do has to be followed by an until.
else branches in if-endif sequences. It is an optional part of this sequences.
endif ends an if-endif sequence. every if has to be followed by an endif and has else as an optional part.
endo end a while loop. while has to be followed by an endo.
endsw finishes a switch-endsw block. It serves as branch destination for the different breaks inside the block.
error is used to communicate out of XploRe programs.
if does conditional branching, if the first element of the argument is true. If has to be followed by an endif. Else is an optional part of if sequences.
switch allows the selection of one or more alternatives of many. Each alternative is introduced by a case statement. Similar to if-endif it controls, whether the following block is processed or not. The keyword break serves as end marker of case and leaves the switch block at the position of endsw.
until ends a do loop until the first element of the argument is true. do has to be followed by an until.
warning enables the user to send warning messages out of quantlets. There are displayed when the whole program finishes.
while begins a loop if the first element of the argument is true. while has to be followed by an endo.

Keywords - Function Groups - @ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

(C) MD*TECH Method and Data Technologies, 05.02.2006Impressum