Keywords - Function Groups - @ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Matrix Manipulation

General Commands

diag creates a diagonal matrix from a vector.
creates a d-dimensional identity matrix
index generates a new matrix z from an old matrix x by resampling the rows of x depending on the index vector i.
matrix generates arrays up to eight dimensions.
paf selects rows of an object depending on a given vector. All elements of the first argument are taken if the corresponding vector element is unequal to 0. Otherwise they are dropped.
creates a d-dimensional identity matrix
generates arrays up to eight dimensions filled with zeros

Sorting and Counting

[] gives a subarray of an array.
Appends an object to the specified list. If the appended object is temporary, the component gets the name el. If the first argument is not a list, it will be changed to a list with itself as first component.
Returns the number of columns in an array.
cumprod computes the cumulative product of the elements in an array regarding a given dimension.
cumsum computes the cumulative sum of the elements an array regarding a given dimension.
deletes the object at the given position from the list.
dim gives the vector of the numbers of the elements in each dimension of an array.
a dot gives an element of a list.
inserts an object to the specified position within a list.
computes a running mean over (2k+1) consecutive values of a given vector. To have the same length at the beginning and at the end the first and last value are repeated k times.
list generates lists from given objects. If an object is temporary the name of the component is el, otherwise the name of the object at this position.
mknn gives an array containing the indices of the k nearest neighbors of each element in matrix y with respect to x. The parameter y is optional, if it is not given, x will be taken for y. As a measure of distance the squared euclidean distance is used.
gives the names of all components of a list object.
prod computes the product of the elements of an array regarding a given dimension.
reshape transforms an array into a new one with given dimensions.
rows returns the number of rows in an array.
gives the number of elements contained in a list or array
sort sorts the rows of a matrix. If column c1 is specified the matrix will be sorted with respect to column c1. That is, the rows of the matrix will be arranged in order that elements of column c1 are in ascending (descending) order.
sum computes the sum of the elements of an array regarding a given dimension.
vec reshapes all given arguments into a vectors and concatenates them into a single vector which is returned.
{} gives an element of a list.

Keywords - Function Groups - @ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

(C) MD*TECH Method and Data Technologies, 05.02.2006Impressum