Keywords - Function groups - @ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Library: kalman
See also: rICfil calibrIC ICerz

Quantlet: itera
Description: Auxiliary routine for rICfil: - if possible - it solves for Lambda~N(0,FI), where FI represents the Fisher-Info, following equations: A^{-1} =E [ Lambda Lambda' w_b ] (1) w_b=min(1,b/|A Lambda|) using a fixed-point-algorithm

Usage: {A,V,ctrl}=itera(A0,FI,b,N,eps,itmax,expl)
A0 p x p matrix, starting value for A; if 0 is entered I^{-1} is taken if p>1 and dim(A0)==1, I^{-1}*A0 is taken
FI p x p matrix, Fisher-Information
b numeric, clipping height
N scalar, MC-sample size or integration grid-points
eps numeric, exactitude
itmax scalar, maximal number of iterations
expl numeric, threshold for the changes in absolute value of A: beyond this value convergence is uncertain ~ 4
A p x p matrix, Lagrange-Multiplier solving (1)
V p x p matrix of corresponding covariance
ctrl scalar, tells if convergence "happened"


Author: P. Ruckdeschel, 19991010
(C) MD*TECH Method and Data Technologies, 05.02.2006