Keywords - Function groups - @ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Library: kalman
See also: rlsfil calibrLS

Quantlet: rlsbnorm1
Description: Auxiliary routine for rlsfil: solves E [ |X-MYw_b(MY)|^2]=(1+e)E [ |X-MY|^2] - if possible - by numerical integration for X ~ N(0,Sigt), v ~ N(0,Q) indep. M=Sigt H'(Q+HSigt H')^{-1} Y=HX+v, w_b(x)=min(1,b/|x|)

Usage: {b,ctrl}=rlsbnorm1(e,Sigt,H,Q,N,eps,itmax)
e numeric; efficiency loss to attain;
Sigt n x n covariance matrix of the initial state
H m x n matrix
Q m x m variance-covariance matrix
N integer; number of grid points for integration
eps numeric; exactitude
itmax integer; maximal number of iterations
b numeric clipping height achieving e as rel. effiency loss
ctrl integer; 1 if error occurs 0 else


to be looked up in rlsfil


Author: P. Ruckdeschel, 19991010
(C) MD*TECH Method and Data Technologies, 05.02.2006