Keywords - Function groups - @ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Library: multi
See also: varml

Quantlet: varunls
Description: computes the unconstrained least squares estimates of the model parameters (B), residuals (u), variance-covariance matrix of the residuals (s), and autocovariance matrix of the time series (g) of a K-dimensional VAR(p) model with/ without intercept

Usage: {B,u,s,g} = varunls(y,p,trend)
y (K x p+T) matrix of p presample, and T sample observations
p (1 x 1) integer, VAR-process order, number of lags in the model, p=1,2,3,...
trend (1 x 1) integer, indicator whether intercept is estimated or not, if trend=1 intercept is estimated, if trend=0 no intercept is estimated
B (K x trend+K*p) matrix, model parameters (nu~)A_1~A_2~...~A_p
u (K x T) matrix, least squares estimates of residuals
s (K x K) matrix, least squares estimate of residual variance-covariance matrix
g (K*p+trend x K*p+trend) matrix, autocovariance matrix of time series

Author: A. Benkwitz, 19980127
(C) MD*TECH Method and Data Technologies, 05.02.2006