B.15 Geopol Data

This data set contains a comparison of 41 countries according to 10 different political and economic parameters.

$X_{1}$: popu population
$X_{2}$: giph Gross Internal Product per habitant
X_{3}$: ripo rate of increase of the population
$X_{4}$: rupo rate of urban population
$X_{5}$: rlpo rate of illiteracy in the population
$X_{6}$: rspo rate of students in the population
$X_{7}$: eltp expected lifetime of people
$X_{8}$: rnnr rate of nutritional needs realized
$X_{9}$: nunh number of newspapers and magazines per 1000 habitants
$X_{10}$: nuth number of television per 1000 habitants

AFS South Africa DAN Denmark MAR Marocco
ALG Algeria EGY Egypt MEX Mexico
BRD Germany ESP Spain NOR Norway
GBR Great Britain FRA France PER Peru
ARS Saudi Arabia GAB Gabun POL Poland
ARG Argentine GRE Greece POR Portugal
AUS Australia HOK Hong Kong SUE Sweden
AUT Austria HON Hungary SUI Switzerland
BEL Belgium IND India THA Tailand
CAM Cameroon IDO Indonesia URS USSR
CAN Canada ISR Israel USA USA
CHL Chile ITA Italia VEN Venezuela
CHN China JAP Japan YOU Yugoslavia
CUB Cuba KEN Kenia

popu giph ripo rupo rlpo rspo eltp rnnr nunh nuth
AFS 37 2492 2 58.9 44 1.08 60 120 48 98
ALG 24.6 1960 3 44.7 50.4 0.73 64 112 21 71
BRD 62 19610 0.4 86.4 2 2.72 72 145 585 759
GBR 57.02 14575 0.04 92.5 2.2 1.9 75 128 421 435
ARS 14.4 5980 2.7 77.3 48.9 0.91 63 125 34 269
ARG 32.4 2130 1.6 86.2 6.1 2.96 71 136 82 217
AUS 16.81 16830 1.4 85.5 5 2.5 76 125 252 484
AUT 7.61 16693 0 57.7 1.5 2.52 74 130 362 487
BEL 9.93 15243 0.2 96.9 3 2.56 74 150 219 320
CAM 11 1120 2.7 49.4 58.8 0.17 53 88 6 12
CAN 26.25 20780 0.9 76.4 1 6.89 77 129 321 586
CHL 12.95 1794 1.6 85.6 8.9 1.73 71 106 67 183
CHN 1119 426 1.1 21.4 34.5 0.16 69 111 36 24
CUB 10.5 1050 0.8 74.9 3.8 2.38 75 135 129 203
DAN 5.13 20570 0.4 86.4 1.5 2.38 75 131 359 526
EGY 52.52 665 2.5 48.8 61.8 1.67 59 132 39 84
ESP 39.24 9650 0.4 78.4 4.2 2.55 77 137 75 380
FRA 56.1 16905 0.4 74.1 2 2.63 76 130 193 399
GAB 1.1 3000 4 45.7 60 0.36 52 107 14 23
GRE 10 5370 0.3 62.60 9.5 1.89 76 147 102 175
HOK 5.75 10900 0 100 22.7 1.34 77 121 521 247
HON 10.6 2330 -0.1 60.3 1.1 0.93 70 135 273 404
IND 810 317 1.9 28 59.2 0.55 57 100 28 7
IDO 179 454 2 28.8 32.7 0.55 60 116 21 41
ISR 4.47 9800 1.4 91.6 8.2 2.62 75 118 253 276
ITA 57.55 15025 0.1 68.6 3.5 2.25 75 139 105 419
JAP 123.2 22825 0.6 77 3 2.1 78 122 566 589
KEN 23.88 400 3.8 23.6 69 0.11 58 92 13 6
MAR 24.51 800 2.2 48.5 78.6 0.86 61 118 12 55
MEX 84.3 2096 2.5 72.6 17 1.55 68 120 124 124
NOR 4.2 22060 0.3 74.4 2 2.74 77 124 551 350
PER 21.75 1899 2.1 70.2 18.1 2.04 61 93 31 85
POL 38 1740 0.9 63.2 1.2 1.3 71 134 184 263
POR 10.5 4304 0.6 33.3 20.6 1.99 74 128 70 160
SUE 8.47 22455 0.1 84 1.5 2.21 77 113 526 395
SUI 6.7 26025 0.5 59.6 1 1.87 77 128 504 408
THA 55.45 1130 1.9 22.6 12 1.59 65 105 46 104
URS 289 6020 0.8 67.5 2 1.76 69 133 474 319
USA 247.5 20765 1 74 0.5 5.01 75 138 259 812
VEN 19.2 3220 2.5 90 15.3 2.6 69 102 164 147
YOU 23.67 2599 0.7 50.2 10.4 1.44 72 139 100 179