Keywords - Function groups - @ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Library: math
See also: Fouriertrans FDApca

Quantlet: Fouriereval
Description: Evaluates the basis functions of fourier series based on the period and the grid points, where the functions are evaluated.


Usage: phi = Fouriereval(nbasis,nresol,period)
nbasis scalar, the number of basis functions
nresol scalar, the number of points where the basis functions are evaluated
period scalar, the period based on the grid points for original data
phi K x G matrix, the evaluated basis functions, where K is the number of basis functions and G the number of grid points for evaluation

K=31           ; number of basis functions in algorithm
nresol=100     ; number of grid points
period=365     ; period
x = Fouriereval(K,nresol,period)
grid = 2*pi *(1:100) / 100
line(grid ~(x[2,]'), grid ~(x[3,]'))

Produces basis functions
evaluated by using Fourier series. Plot shows
the second and third basis function.

Author: W. Haerdle, Y. Yamanishi, 20021109 license MD*Tech
(C) MD*TECH Method and Data Technologies, 05.02.2006