Keywords - Function groups - @ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Library: finance
See also: HestonVanilla ImplVolaFX

Quantlet: HestonVanillaSmile
Description: determines the volatility smile implied by the Heston model.


Usage: smile = HestonVanillaSmile(phi,spot,strikes,v0,vv,rd,rf,tau,kappa,theta,lambda,rho,GL)
phi scalar, phi = 1 - call option, phi = -1 - put option
spot scalar, spot price
strikes n x 1 vector, strikes
v0 scalar, initial volatility
vv scalar, vol of vol
rd scalar, domestic interest rate
rf scalar, foreign interest rate
tau scalar, maturity (in years)
kappa scalar, mean reversion
theta scalar, long-run mean
lambda scalar, market price of risk
rho scalar, correlation
GL vector, Gauss-Legendre quadrature (e.g. as obtained using GaussLegendre)
smile vector (n x 1), volatility smile

delta = #(.1,.2,.3,.4,.5,.6,.7,.8,.9)
marketvols = #(0.1135, 0.109, 0.10425, 0.1025, 0.102, 0.103, 0.10575, 0.1105, 0.1165)
spot = 1.215 ; spot on July 1, 2004
rd = 0.02165
rf = 0.01845
tau = 0.5
phi = 1		; call option
strikes = GarmanKohlhagen(spot,delta,marketvols,rd,rf,tau,phi,20)
GL = GaussLegendre(0,100,100,1e-14)
v0 = 0.01
vv = 0.25
kappa = 1.5
theta = 0.015
rho = 0.05
lambda = 0

Contents of smile
[1,]  0.11361
[2,]  0.10754
[3,]  0.10404
[4,]  0.10209
[5,]  0.10114
[6,]  0.10111
[7,]  0.10214
[8,]  0.10475
[9,]   0.1104

Author: R. Weron, 20040403 license MD*Tech
(C) MD*TECH Method and Data Technologies, 05.02.2006