Keywords - Function groups - @ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Library: finance
See also: bitree IBTcrr IBTbc IBTsdisplot IBTlocsigma IBTvolaplot IBTnicemat IBTresort

Quantlet: IBTdk
Description: starting program to calculate the stock price on the nodes in the implied tree, the transition probability tree and the Arrow-Debreu tree using Derman and Kani's method.


Usage: z = IBTdk(S, r, lev, expiration, volafunc)
S scalar: the underlying asset price
r scalar: riskless interest rate
lev scalar: the number of time steps
expiration scalar: time to expiration of the stock
volafunc text string: name of procedure where the function is used to define how the Black Scholes implied volatilities change with time to expiration and strike price
z.Tree Matrix: (lev+1)*(lev+1), the first j elements at jth column are corresponding to the stock prices of the nodes at jth level in the implied tree
z.prob Matrix: (lev)*(lev), the first j elements at jth column are corresponding to the transition probability of the nodes at (j-1)th level in the implied tree only can be obtained up to (lev)th level Matrix: (lev+1)*(lev+1), the first j elements at jth column are corresponding to the Arrow-Debreu price of the nodes at jth level in the implied tree

proc(sigma)=volafunc(K, S, time)
r=0.03		; riskless annual interest rate
S=100		; the underlying asset price
lev=2		; the number of time steps
expiration=2	; time to expiration
ibtree=IBTdk(S,r, lev, expiration, "volafunc")

Output is a implied binomial tree for the price process of the underlying,
a tree of transition probabilities and a tree of Arrow-Debreu prices
Contents of ibtree.Tree

[1,]      100   90.479   79.292
[2,]        0   110.52      100
[3,]        0        0   120.31

Contents of ibtree.prob

[1,]        0.62694  0.67327
[2,]              0  0.68381

Contents of

[1,]        1  0.36204  0.11479
[2,]        0  0.60841  0.42323
[3,]        0        0  0.40374

Author: J. Zheng, W. Haerdle, 20010716. license MD*Tech
(C) MD*TECH Method and Data Technologies, 05.02.2006