Keywords - Function groups - @ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Library: insurance
See also: INSCramer INSDeVylder

Quantlet: INSRenyi
Description: produces the Renyi approximation of ruin probability in infinite time for insurance collective risk model.


Usage: y = INSRenyi(u, theta, distrib, dparameters)
u scalar, n x 1 vector or m x n matrix, initial capital for risk process
theta scalar, security loading in insurance collective risk model
distrib string, name of distribution of claims, either: exponential, gamma, mixofexps, Weibull, lognormal, loggamma, Pareto, Burr or truncPareto.
dparameters list of scalars, parameters of the following distributions: exponential, gamma, Weibull, lognormal, loggamma, Pareto, Burr or truncPareto list of n x 1 vectors of parameters of "mixofexps" distribution, the first vector are parameters for the exponential distributions and the second one are the weights of mixing.
y scalar, n x 1 vector or m x n matrix (same dimension as u), ruin probability given by Renyi approximation.


distrib = "gamma"
dparameters = list(0.2,0.7)
u = #(0:10)
theta = 0.3
y = INSRenyi(u, theta, distrib, dparameters)

Contents of y
[ 1,]    0.76923
[ 2,]    0.58767
[ 3,]    0.44896
[ 4,]    0.34299
[ 5,]    0.26203
[ 6,]    0.20018
[ 7,]    0.15293
[ 8,]    0.11684
[ 9,]    0.089259
[10,]    0.068191
[11,]    0.052096

Author: P. Mista, 20031218 license MD*Tech
(C) MD*TECH Method and Data Technologies, 05.02.2006