Keywords - Function groups - @ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Library: insurance
See also: INScPPstats INSoptufixdiv INSoptuflexdiv

Quantlet: INSoptu
Description: returns the optimal retention limit M, initial capital u and safety loading, resulting from minimization of premium c, under the assumption of some ruin probability level and dividend rate (fixed or flexible). The compound Poisson - truncated Pareto model and Beekman-Bowers or De Vylder method of approximation of ruin probability are considered.


Usage: y = INSoptu(parameters, divrate, reins)
parameters list of scalars, composed of: lambda, a, v, M0 - parameters of compound Poisson - truncated Pareto distribution, re0, re1 - parameters for reinsurer premium formula, d - dividend rate psi - assumed ruin probability level
divrate string, type of dividends, either "fixed" or "flexible"
reins scalar, indication of existance of reinsurance (1 - reinsurance, 0 - no reinsurance)
y list of scalars, composed of 1. in case of "fixed": (M1, u1, thetaC1, M2, u2, thetaC2) M1, M2 - optimal retension limits (M1-BB, M2-DV method), u1, u2 - required levels of initial capital (u1-BB, u2-DV method), thetaC1, thetaC2 - total premium loadings resulting from optimization (in %), 2. in case of "flexible": (M1, u, thetaC, delta, stdDu) M1 - optimal retention limit (DV method used) u - required level of initial capital, thetaC - total premium loading resulting from optimization (in %) delta - risk-sharing parameter stdDu - relative standard deviation of dividends std(D)/u

lambda = 1000
a = 2.5
v = 1.5
M0 = 500
re0 =	1       ; 100%
re1 =	0.005  ; 0.5%
d =	0.05    ; 5%
psi = 0.05      ;  5%
parameters = list(lambda, a, v, M0, re0, re1, d, psi)
divrate = "fixed"
reins = 1
y = INSoptu(parameters, divrate, 1)

Contents of y.M1
[1,]  184.18
Contents of y.u1
[1,]  416.56
Contents of y.thetaC1
[1,]    4.1678
Contents of y.M2
[1,]  185.22
Contents of y.u2
[1,]  416.27
Contents of y.thetaC2
[1,]    4.1646
lambda = 1000
a = 2.5
v = 1.5
M0 = 500
re0 =	1       ; 100%
re1 =	0.005  ; 0.5%
d =	0.05    ; 5%
psi = 0.05      ;  5%
parameters = list(lambda, a, v, M0, re0, re1, d, psi)
divrate = "flexible"
reins = 1
y = INSoptu(parameters, divrate, 1)

Contents of y

Contents of y.M1
[1,]  189.33
Contents of y.u
[1,]  406.03
Contents of y.thetaC
[1,]   3.3517
Contents of
[1,]   41.692
Contents of y.stdDu
[1,]    5.0189

Author: P. Mista, 20040918 license MD*Tech
(C) MD*TECH Method and Data Technologies, 05.02.2006