Keywords - Function groups - @ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Library: math
See also: mat2rot CPCp CPCFGalg

Quantlet: Jacobirot
Description: Jacobirot produces an orthogonal matrix used in the Jacobi rotation.


Usage: Jac=Jacobirot(m,j,theta,p)
m scalar: determines a place in the matrix (see below)
j scalar: determines a place in the matrix (see below)
theta scalar: the angle of the rotation
p scalar: size of the output matrix
Jac p x p diagonal matrix with ones on the diagonal, but with cos(theta) at Jac[m,m], -sin(theta) at Jac[m,j], sin(theta) at Jac[j,m] and cos(theta) at Jac[j,j].

A = #(112.01, 106.64, 52.97)~#(106.64,108.13,54.75)~#(52.97,54.75,33.86)
eigv  = eigsm(A[2:3,2:3]){2}	; compute eigenvectors of a submatrix
theta = acos(eigv[1,1])		; find rotation angle
H = Jacobirot(2,3,theta,3)'*A*Jacobirot(2,3,theta,3)

Contents of A
[1,]   112.01   106.64    52.97
[2,]   106.64   108.13    54.75
[3,]    52.97    54.75    33.86

Contents of H
[1,]   112.01   119.03  -3.1413
[2,]   119.03   137.15 -1.4211e-14
[3,]  -3.1413 -8.8818e-15   4.8393

The example shows that in H the mth and jth column is affected after applying the
Jacobi rotation to A. Here, the rotation angle is chosen in a way to
diagonalize the (2x2) m,jth submatrix. Of course this is the same as computing its

Author: M. R. Fengler, 20010721 license MD*Tech
(C) MD*TECH Method and Data Technologies, 05.02.2006