Keywords - Function groups - @ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Library: spatial
See also: SPPPinitrandom SPPPsetregion SPPPgetregion SPPPkfn SPPPpsim SPPPstrauss SPPPssi SPPPkenvl SPPPkaver

Quantlet: SPPPinit
Description: creates a point process object and calls SPPPsetregion to set the rectangular spatial domain


Usage: res = SPPPinit(pp, xl, xu, yl, yu, fac)
pp n x 2 matrix, x and y coordinates of locations
xl scalar, lower limit in x-direction of the domain rectangle
xu scalar, upper limit in x-direction of the domain rectangle
yl scalar, lower limit in y-direction of the domain rectangle
yu scalar, upper limit in y-direction of the domain rectangle
fac scalar, used to rescale all coordinates, i.e., to divide all coordinates by fac
res list, consisting of components pp, area and type:
res.pp n x 2 matrix, input matrix pp scaled by fac
res.area 4 x 1 vector, consisting of xl, xu, yl, and yu, all scaled by fac
res.type string, "PP"


; loads the spatial statistics library
; reads a spatial data set
pines = read("pines.dat")
; initializes a point process
pinesobj = SPPPinit(pines, 0, 96, 0, 100, 10)

A point process object suitable for use in SPPPkfn:

Contents of pinesobj.pp
[ 1,]      0.1      9.9
[ 2,]      0.1      7.2
[ 3,]      0.2      6.2
[ 4,]      0.2      8.4
[ 5,]      0.7      4.5
[70,]      9.5      4.6
[71,]      9.5      6.2

Contents of pinesobj.area
[1,]        0
[2,]      9.6
[3,]        0
[4,]       10

Contents of pinesobj.type
[1,] "PP"

Author: J. Symanzik, 20000725 license MD*Tech
(C) MD*TECH Method and Data Technologies, 05.02.2006