Keywords - Function groups - @ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Library: VaR
See also: VaRest VaRopt

Quantlet: VaRtimeplot
Description: shows the time plot of VaR forecasts and the associated changes of the P&L of the portfolio.

Usage: VaRtimeplot(y,VaR{,VaR1,{,VaR2{,VaR3}}}{,opt})
y n x d matrix, the returns of d time series.
VaR (n-h) x 1 or (n-h) x 2 matrix, VaR forecasts.
VaR1 (n-h) x 1 or (n-h) x 2 matrix, VaR forecasts.
VaR2 (n-h) x 1 or (n-h) x 2 matrix, VaR forecasts.
VaR3 (n-h) x 1 or (n-h) x 2 matrix, VaR forecasts.
opt optional, a list with optional input. The function "VaRopt" can be used to set up this parameter. The order of the list elements is not important.
opt.h positive integer, window width. If not given, set to 250.
opt.w scalar, 1 x d or n x d, weights for assets. If not given, set to 1. string, prefix for the output. If not given, "VaR" is used.
opt.title string, title for the output. If not given, a default is set.
opt.color string vector, colors for different VaR functions. Possible values are the color strings from setmask. The default is "black". string vector, line styles for different VaR functions. Possible values are the line styles from setmask. The default is "solid".
opt.size string vector, line thickness for different VaR functions. Possible values are the line sizes from setmask. The default is "thin". string vector, contains color, style and size (in that order) for portfolio data points. The default is "black"|"point"|"medium".
opt.exceed string vector, contains color, style and size (in that order) for points that should be marked as exceeding the VaR. The default is "black"|"point"|"medium".
opt.plot string vector, default is "all" for upper and lower VaR forecasts, use "low" for lower only.
VaRtimeplot or"timeplot", display, containing portfolio data and VaR forecasts.

x=read("kupfer")       ; time series
y=diff(log(x))         ; returns
VaR=VaRest(y)          ; VaR
VaRtimeplot(y,VaR,opt) ; VaR time plot

The VaR forecasts (using method RMA) are plotted
together with the portfolio returns. Returns which
exceed the VaR are marked in blue.
x=read("kupfer")       ; time series
y=diff(log(x))         ; returns
VaRrma=VaRest(y,"RMA") ; VaR using RMA
VaRema=VaRest(y,"EMA") ; VaR using EMA
VaRmad=VaRest(y,"MAD") ; VaR using MAD

The VaR forecasts (using methods RMA, EMA and MAD) are plotted
together with the portfolio returns.

Author: Marlene Mueller, 20021108
(C) MD*TECH Method and Data Technologies, 05.02.2006