Keywords - Function groups - @ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Library: metrics
See also: heckman select sssm powell gennorm

Quantlet: andrews
Description: andrews calculates the semiparametric estimator proposed by Andrews and Schafgans (1994) of the intercept coefficients of the outcome equation in a sample selection model.

Usage: a = andrews(x,y,id,b,h)
x n x M regressor matrix. WARNING: x may not contain a vector of ones!
id n x 1 vector containing the estimated index of the first-step selection equation.
y n x 1 matrix containing n observ. of the dependent variable
b M x 1 vector of estimated slope coefficients
h scalar, the bandwidth
a scalar, estimated intercept coefficient

n	= 200				; sample size
ss1	= #(1,0.9)~#(0.9,1)		; covariance matrix of error terms
g	= #(1)				; true coefficient of decision equation
b	= #(-9, 1)			; true intercept and slope of outcome equation
u	= gennorm(n, #(0,0), ss1)	; generate realizations of joint distribution of error terms
ss2     = #(1,0.4)~#(0.4,1)		; covariance matrix of regressors
xz      = gennorm(n, #(0,0), ss2)       ; generate realizations of joint distribution of regressors
z       = xz[,2]			; regressor of decision equation
q       =(z*g+u[,1].>=0)		; generate binary dependent variable of decision equation
hd	= 0.1*(max(z) - min(z))		; bandwidth for dwade procedure
d	= dwade(z,q,hd)*(2*sqrt(3)*pi)	; dwade estimate * scaling factor
id	= z*d				; estimated first-step index
hp      = 0.2*(max(id) - min(id))	;  bandwidth for powell procedure
x	= matrix(n)~xz[,1]		; regressors for outcome equation
y       = x*b+u[,2]			; dependent variable for outcome equation
zz	= paf(y~x~id, q)		; impose censored sampling
y	= zz[,1]
x	= zz[,3:(cols(zz)-1)]
id	= zz[,cols(zz)]
bhat	= powell(x,y,id,hp)
ha	= quantile(id, 0.7)
a	= andrews(x,y,id,bhat,ha)
a					; estimated intercept

estimated intercept of the outcome equation of a semiparametric
sample selection model according to Andrews and Schafgans (1994)

Author: A. Werwartz, 19961011
(C) MD*TECH Method and Data Technologies, 05.02.2006