Keywords - Function groups - @ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Library: xclust
See also: cartsplitclass

Quantlet: cartsplitregr
Description: builds the regression tree.


Usage: Tree = cartsplitregr(VarMatrix,ClassVector,MinSize)
VarMatrix n x m matrix, variables
ClassVector n x 1 vector, classes
MinSize scalar, stop condition, minimum number of observations in terminal node
Tree list of vectors, composed of: Variable - number of variable of the split questions SplitValue - critical value of the question Class - dominating class of the current node (class with maximum number of observations) Impurity - missclassification error for each node (between 0 and 1) NumberOfPoints - total number of points (all classes) in current node ParentNode - records of parent node Index - used for transformation from XploRe to dll and back DrawIndex - used for drawing trees in XploRe

x1 = #(0.898473738, 0.852630806, 0.539114276, 0.241251175, 0.476125641, 0.284315731, 0.0181318590)
x2 = #(0.255756912, 0.303028656, 0.146633917, 0.121365982, 0.4111506, 0.97609203, 0.514180304)
x = x1~x2;
y = #(1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 0.1, 1.45, 2.2, 1.465)
tr = cartsplitregr(x,y,1)

Generates data structure tr representing a binary tree.

Author: R. Timofeev, A. Andriyashin 20041215 license MD*Tech
(C) MD*TECH Method and Data Technologies, 05.02.2006