Keywords - Function groups - @ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Library: finance
See also: american asset bitree bs1 european stocksim

Quantlet: cir
Description: computes and displays the bond yield curve by using the model of Cox/Ingersoll/Ross (1985)


Usage: {z,ylim}=cir() or {z,ylim}=cir(k,mu,sigma,tau,sr {,display})
k scalar, reversion rate
mu scalar, steady state of the short rate
sigma scalar, volatility coefficient
tau scalar, time horizon in years
sr scalar, today's short rate
display optional text; if "no" is specified, no graph will be displayed
z n x 3 matrix, where the first column represents the time to maturity, the second column contains the bond prices, and the third column the bond yields
ylim scalar, limit of yields for increasing maturity


Opens an interactive menu where you are asked to enter the
details of your bond. Additionally the corresponding yield
curve is displayed.
k     = 0.1
mu    = 0.1
sigma = 0.1
tau   = 10
sr    = 0.1
a=cir(k, mu, sigma, tau, sr)

Contents of a.z
[ 1,]        1  0.90498  0.099846
[ 2,]        2  0.81967  0.099429
[ 3,]        3  0.74346  0.098813
[ 4,]        4  0.67556  0.098054
[ 5,]        5  0.61509  0.097197
[ 6,]        6   0.5612  0.09628
[ 7,]        7  0.51307  0.095333
[ 8,]        8  0.46999  0.094379
[ 9,]        9  0.43131  0.093436
[10,]       10  0.39647  0.092515

Contents of a.ylim
[1,]  0.073205

Additionally a graph displaying the simulated yield curve as a blue
solid line and the limit of yields as a red dashed line is shown.

Author: K. Komorad, W. Haerdle, 20020103 license MD*Tech
(C) MD*TECH Method and Data Technologies, 05.02.2006