Keywords - Function groups - @ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Library: fda
See also: data2fd getbasismatrix

Quantlet: createfdbasis
Description: creates a functional data basis in two steps: it recognizes the type of basis by use of several variant spelling and sets up the functional data basis depending on the type.

Usage: fdbasis=createfdbasis(type,rangeval,nbasis,params)
type string, indicating the type of basis either "fourier", "bspline" or "poly"
range 2 x 1 vector, contains the lower and upper boundaries for the range of argument values
nbasis scalar, number of basis functions
params either scalar, period (if the basis is "fourier") or constant shift parameter (if the basis is "poly") or n x 1 vctor, strictly nondecreasing sequence of knots (if the basis is "bspline")
fdbasis list, functional data basis object, composed of type, range, nbasis, params

fdb = createfdbasis("bspline", #(0, 10), 13, 1 : 10)

Contents of fdb.type

[1,] "bspline"

Contents of fdb.range

[1,]        0
[2,]       10

Contents of fdb.nbasis

[1,]       13

Contents of fdb.params

[ 1,]        1
[ 2,]        2
[ 3,]        3
[ 4,]        4
[ 5,]        5
[ 6,]        6
[ 7,]        7
[ 8,]        8
[ 9,]        9
[10,]       10

Author: J. Ulbricht 20040719 license MD*Tech
(C) MD*TECH Method and Data Technologies, 05.02.2006