Keywords - Function groups - @ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Group: Handling of time
Topic: Time as string output
See also: year month dayofweek hour minute second

Function: dayofmonth
Description: returns the day of the month as string.

Usage: ts = dayofmonth(t)
t n x 1 time vector
ts n x 1 string array

yr = 1970 +(1:10)
mn =(1:10)
da =(1:10)
t  = settime(yr,mn,da) ; t in time data format
ts = dayofmonth(t) ;ts day of month extracted from t

Contents of ts

[ 1,] "01"

[ 2,] "02"

[ 3,] "03"

[ 4,] "04"

[ 5,] "05"

[ 6,] "06"

[ 7,] "07"

[ 8,] "08"

[ 9,] "09"

[10,] "10"

(C) MD*TECH Method and Data Technologies, 05.02.2006