Keywords - Function groups - @ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Library: metrics
See also: fdhull

Quantlet: deahull
Description: returns the DEA (Data Envelopment Analysis) input efficiency score and efficient level of inputs for each DMU (Decision making unit)


Usage: dea = deahull (X, Y)
X n x p matrix, p inputs of n DMU's, allows only NONNEGATIVE values for its entries
Y n x q matrix, q outputs of n DMU's, allows only NONNEGATIVE values for its entries
dea.effscore n x 1 vector, the input efficiency scores of DMU's
dea.efflevel n x p matrix, the efficient level of inputs of DMU's

scheel = read("agency.dat")
X = scheel[,1:4]
Y = scheel[,5:6]
dea = deahull(X,Y)

The DEA efficiency score and efficient level of inputs
for each DMU is listed.

Contents of effscore
[ 1,]  0.38392
[ 2,]  0.49063
[ 3,]  0.86449
[63,]        1

Contents of efflevel
[ 1,]   52.981   92.909   3.8392  1.0896e+05
[ 2,]   81.444   60.838   2.4531    76895
[ 3,]    131.4   72.617   2.5935    96070
[63,]      108      257        0  2.9991e+05

Author: W. Haerdle, S. Jeong, 20021215 license MD*Tech
(C) MD*TECH Method and Data Technologies, 05.02.2006