Keywords - Function groups - @ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Library: smoother
See also: denxest denci dencb denrot denbwsel denestp

Quantlet: denest
Description: estimates a univariate density by kernel density estimation. The computation uses WARPing.

Usage: fh = denest(x {,h {,K} {,d} })
x n x 1 vector, the data.
h scalar, bandwidth. If not given, the rule of thumb bandwidth computed by denrot is used (Silverman's rule of thumb).
K string, kernel function on [-1,1] or Gaussian kernel "gau". If not given, the Quartic kernel "qua" is used.
d scalar, discretization binwidth. d must be smaller than h. If not given, the minimum of h/3 and (max(x)-min(x))/100 is used.
fh m x 2 matrix, the first column is a grid and the second column contains the density estimate on that grid.

mu = 10
si = 5
x  = si*normal(200)+mu          ; generate data
fh = denest(x)                  ; estimate density
f  = sort(x~pdfn((x-mu)/si)/si) ; true density                   ;             ;
fh = setmask(fh,"line","blue")
f  = setmask(f ,"line","black","thin")
plot(f,fh)                      ; graph functions

The density estimate (blue) for a normal distribution
with mean mu=10, standard deviation si=5 is pictured
using Quartic kernel (default) and Silverman's
rule-of-thumb bandwidth (default), together with
the true density (thin black).
mu = 10
si = 5
x  = si*normal(200)+mu           ; generate data
fhe= denest(x,3,"epa")           ; estimate density
fhu= denest(x,3,"uni")           ; estimate density
f  = sort(x~pdfn((x-mu)/si)/si)  ; true density
fhe= setmask(fhe,"line","green")
fhu= setmask(fhu,"line","red")
f  = setmask(f ,"line","black","thin")
plot(f,fhu,fhe)                  ; graph functions

The density estimate using the Epanechnikov kernel
(green) is compared to the density estimate using
the Uniform kernel (red) and the true density (thin
black). In both cases, bandwidth h=3 is used.

Author: W. Haerdle, S. Klinke, L. Yang, M. Mueller, 990413 license MD*Tech
(C) MD*TECH Method and Data Technologies, 05.02.2006