Keywords - Function groups - @ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Library: xclust
See also: cartsplit cartsplitopt cartcv leafnum maketr pred prederr prune prunecv pruneseq prunetot ssr

Quantlet: dentoreg
Description: transforms density data to regression data using variance stabilizing transform. Divides the sample space into bins, calculates the counts y_i of observations from every bin, and gives the values 2*sqrt(y_i+3/8) as a regression variable.


Usage: y = dentoreg (dendat, binlkm)
dendat n x p matrix, data matrix of i.i.d. observations.
binlkm integer >=2, number of bins for a single dimension
y list, consisting of y.dep, y.ind
y.dep (binlkm^p) x 1 vector, contains the values of the new response variable.
y.ind (binlkm^p) x p matrix, contains the coordinates of the centers of the bins, these are the new regression variables.


; loads the library xclust
; generates the density data
; transforms the density data to regression data

Contents of dendat
[ 1,]  0.0004325   1.9277
[ 2,]  0.73471   1.3192
[ 3,]  0.024197   1.7042
[ 4,]  0.50398    1.917
[ 5,]  0.036124   1.9803
[ 6,]  0.11705   1.8379
[ 7,]  0.74053   1.1587
[ 8,]  0.17788   1.6727
[ 9,]  0.13673   1.5017
[10,]  0.76021   1.9453

Contents of regdat.dep
[ 1,]   1.2247
[ 2,]   1.2247
[ 3,]   1.2247
[ 4,]   3.0822
[ 5,]   2.3452
[ 6,]   1.2247
[ 7,]   1.2247
[ 8,]   1.2247
[ 9,]   3.0822
[10,]   1.2247
[11,]   1.2247
[12,]   1.2247
[13,]   3.6742
[14,]   1.2247
[15,]   2.3452
[16,]   2.3452

Contents of regdat.ind
[ 1,]  0.095404   1.2614
[ 2,]  0.28535   1.2614
[ 3,]  0.47529   1.2614
[ 4,]  0.66523   1.2614
[ 5,]  0.095404   1.4668
[ 6,]  0.28535   1.4668
[ 7,]  0.47529   1.4668
[ 8,]  0.66523   1.4668
[ 9,]  0.095404   1.6722
[10,]  0.28535   1.6722
[11,]  0.47529   1.6722
[12,]  0.66523   1.6722
[13,]  0.095404   1.8776
[14,]  0.28535   1.8776
[15,]  0.47529   1.8776
[16,]  0.66523   1.8776

Author: J. Klemelae, 20010912 license MD*Tech
(C) MD*TECH Method and Data Technologies, 05.02.2006