Keywords - Function groups - @ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Library: stats
See also: pdfmixexp cdfmixexp

Quantlet: estmixexp
Description: computes estimators of parameters (a, beta1, beta2) of mixture of 2 exponentials distribution.


Usage: {db,delik,demin,vb,velik,vemin,w2b,w2elik,w2emin,a2b,a2elik,a2emin,p,b1,b2,plik,b1lik,b2lik,pmin,b1min,b2min,caution}=estmixexp(analyzedsample,method,numberofiterations)
analyzedsample n x 1 vector, sample for which mixture of exponentials distribution parameters will be estimated.
method integer, estimation method selection flag (0 - all methods, 1 - ML, 2 - A2).
numberofiterations integer, number of iterations for minimization procedures.
db scalar, Value of Kolmogorov statistic for MoM parameters.
delik scalar, Value of Kolmogorov statistic for ML parameters.
demin scalar, Value of Kolmogorov statistic for A2 parameters.
vb scalar, Value of Kuiper statistic for MoM parameters.
velik scalar, Value of Kuiper statistic for ML parameters.
vemin scalar, Value of Kuiper statistic for A2 parameters.
w2b scalar, Value of Cramer-von Mises statistic for MoM parameters.
w2elik scalar, Value of Cramer-von Mises statistic for ML parameters.
w2emin scalar, Value of Cramer-von Mises statistic for A2 parameters.
a2b scalar, Value of Anderson-Darling statistic for MoM parameters.
a2elik scalar, Value of Anderson-Darling statistic for ML parameters.
a2emin scalar, Value of Anderson-Darling statistic for A2 parameters.
p scalar, Parameter a from MoM estimation.
b1 scalar, Parameter beta1 from MoM estimation.
b2 scalar, Parameter beta2 from MoM estimation.
plik scalar, Parameter a from ML estimation.
b1lik scalar, Parameter beta1 from ML estimation.
b2lik scalar, Parameter beta2 from ML estimation.
pmin scalar, Parameter a from A2 estimation.
b1min scalar, Parameter beta1 from A2 estimation.
b2min scalar, Parameter beta2 from A2 estimation.
caution scalar, 1 - if MoM estimators can not be computed, 0 - otherwise.


Contents of _tmp.db
[1,]  0.017689
Contents of _tmp.delik
[1,]  0.018185
Contents of _tmp.demin
[1,]  0.014712
Contents of _tmp.vb
[1,]  0.03164
Contents of _tmp.velik
[1,]  0.027508
Contents of _tmp.vemin
[1,]  0.027964
Contents of _tmp.w2b
[1,]  0.035635
Contents of _tmp.w2elik
[1,]  0.057544
Contents of _tmp.w2emin
[1,]  0.028682
Contents of _tmp.a2b
[1,]  0.27531
Contents of _tmp.a2elik
[1,]  0.38656
Contents of _tmp.a2emin
[1,]  0.24601
Contents of _tmp.p
[1,]  0.81183
Contents of _tmp.b1
[1,]   1.0001
Contents of _tmp.b2
[1,]   5.2528
Contents of _tmp.plik
[1,]  0.83348
Contents of _tmp.b1lik
[1,]   1.0068
Contents of _tmp.b2lik
[1,]   5.3228
Contents of _tmp.pmin
[1,]  0.83542
Contents of _tmp.b1min
[1,]    1.025
Contents of _tmp.b2min
[1,]   5.7517
Contents of _tmp.caution
[1,]        0

Author: A. Misiorek, 20041110 license MD*Tech
(C) MD*TECH Method and Data Technologies, 05.02.2006