Keywords - Function groups - @ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Library: stats
See also: eterlangexacttest etgammaexacttest cdferlang pdferlang

Quantlet: etexpexacttest
Description: runs the exact likelihood ratio test of the scale parameter of the exponential distribution


Usage: {pvalue,testresult,chipvalue,oversizing} = etexpexacttest(sample,level,nullpar)
sample n x 1 vector, the data
level scalar, the size of the exact test
nullpar scalar, parameter of the null hypothesis (scale parameter)
pvalue scalar, the p-value of the exact test
testresult string, the result of the exact test (i.e., rejection or acceptance of the null hypothesis)
chipvalue scalar, the p-value of the chi^2 asymptotic likelihood ratio test of the hypothesis
oversizing scalar, the oversizing of the chi^2 asymptotics, i.e., the difference of pvalue and chipvalue

x=#(0.5458, 2.4016, 1.0647, 2.8082, 0.45669, 0.79987, 0.59494)
res = etexpexacttest(x, 0.1, 1)

Contents of res.pvalue
[1,]  0.68138
Contents of res.testresult
[1,] "H_0 is accepted on the level alpha"
Contents of res.chipvalue
[1,]   0.5568
Contents of res.oversizing
[1,]  0.12458

Author: M. Stehlik, 20020520 license MD*Tech
(C) MD*TECH Method and Data Technologies, 05.02.2006