Keywords - Function groups - @ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Library: stats
See also: factorlikehood varimax varimaxval factorrot

Quantlet: factoranalysis
Description: performs factor analysis on the data using three different methods and extracts k factors


Usage: {loadings,explained,communalities,specifics,pvalue}=factoranalysis(data,k{,method{,maxiter}})
data n x p data matrix
k scalar, number of factors to be extracted. Beware that it can be changed to a lower number so that all loadings can be computed.
method optional string defining the method which should be used, "PFM" = Principal Factors Method; "PCM" = Principal Components Method (default); "MLM" = Maximum Likelihood Method
maxiter optional integer, maximal number of iterations for PFM or MLM, default is 10. For MLM, 10 is recommended and sufficient since the method is computationally time consuming, for PFM, it can be much more but should not change the results.
loadings p x k matrix of estimated factor loadings
explained 1 x k vector with proportion of explained variance of the k-th factor
communalities p x 1 vector of estimated communalities
specifics p x 1 vector; estimated specific variances
pvalue optional, result of a likelihood test for H0: SIGMA=loadings*loadings'+diag(specifics), i.e., the model holds. It only works if k is sufficiently small compared to p. Otherwise you get an error warning.



Contents of b.loadings
[ 1,]   0.8513 -0.37924 -0.10322
[ 2,]  0.67668  -0.2378   0.5339
[ 3,]  0.61571  0.03942  -0.2804
[ 4,]  0.57424  0.49455  0.037712
[ 5,]  0.80336 -0.37154  0.14977
[ 6,]  0.83119 -0.040257 -0.21215
[ 7,]  0.56891   0.4344  -0.2316
[ 8,]  0.55473  0.17172  0.22624
[ 9,]  0.42994  0.30881 -0.21547
[10,]  0.064053  0.50396  0.50722

Contents of b.explained
[1,]   0.4048  0.11537  0.085172

Contents of b.communalities
[ 1,]  0.87919
[ 2,]  0.79949
[ 3,]  0.45928
[ 4,]  0.57576
[ 5,]  0.80586
[ 6,]   0.7375
[ 7,]    0.566
[ 8,]  0.38839
[ 9,]  0.32664
[10,]  0.51535

Contents of b.specifics
[ 1,]  0.12081
[ 2,]  0.20051
[ 3,]  0.54072
[ 4,]  0.42424
[ 5,]  0.19414
[ 6,]   0.2625
[ 7,]    0.434
[ 8,]  0.61161
[ 9,]  0.67336
[10,]  0.48465

Contents of rotated
[ 1,]  0.90806 -0.095924  0.21312
[ 2,]  0.48177 -0.19221  0.72831
[ 3,]  0.61769   0.2782  0.018456
[ 4,]  0.30753  0.59669  0.35375
[ 5,]  0.77456  -0.1732  0.41944
[ 6,]  0.80842   0.2422  0.15904
[ 7,]  0.41936  0.61619  0.10218
[ 8,]  0.33903  0.24045  0.46436
[ 9,]  0.33813  0.45918  0.038189
[10,] -0.30297  0.33771  0.55634

Author: M. Hanek, 20020712 license MD*Tech
(C) MD*TECH Method and Data Technologies, 05.02.2006