Keywords - Function groups - @ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Library: times
See also: genarma

Quantlet: genarch
Description: generates a time series e_t=u_t*s_t, where u_t is standard normal distributed and the variances s^2_t follow the GARCH process s^2_t = a_0 + a(B)e^2_t + b(B)s^2_t Here, B denotes the backshift (or lag) operator. You have to deliver the coefficient vectors a and b and the length T of the series e. The sum a(1) + b(1) must be less than one and all coefficients should be non-negative (see the note).


Usage: {e,s2} = genarch(a,b,T)
a vector of the ARCH coefficients (that are a_0 and the coefficients of the lag polynom a(B))
T integer; length of the generated sample
b vector of GARCH parameters (that are the coefficients of the lag polynom b(B))
e (T x 1) vector of the generated time series e_t
s2 (T x 1) vector of the generated variances s^2_t


library("times")    ; loads the quantlets from times library
randomize(0)        ; sets the seed
{e,s2} = genarch(#(2.5,0.1),0.65,5000)
acfplot(e^2,12)     ; display of the sample acf for e^2_t

Display that shows the sample autocorrelation function
of the squared series e^2_t. The first correlation
coefficients are significant. It is easy to check
that the simple series e_t is uncorrelated.

Author: C. Hafner, W. Haerdle, R. Schulz, 20010430 license MD*Tech
(C) MD*TECH Method and Data Technologies, 05.02.2006