Keywords - Function groups - @ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Library: kalman
See also: gkalarray gkalfilter gkalsmoother gkalresiduals

Quantlet: gkallag
Description: Calculates covariance matrices for the smoothed series of a state space model (uni- or multivariate) with one lag. The quantlet gkallag needs a pre-run of gkalfilter. The state space model has the form (for the notation, see Harvey 1989): State equation alpha_t = c_t + T_t alpha_t-1 + e^s_t Measurement equation y_t = d_t + Z_t alpha_t + e^m_t with alpha_0 ~ (mu,Sig), e^s_t ~ (0,R_t), e^m_t ~ (0,H_t) All parameters are known. We denote with Ps_(t,t-1|T) the covariance matrices of the filtered series. The output of the procedure is an array Ps_(t,t-1|T) for all t.


Usage: gkallagout = gkallag(Y, Ta, Z, Ra, H, Pa)
Y N_max x TIME matrix
Ta K x K x TIME array with observations T_t
Z N_max x K system matrix Z_T
Ra K x K x TIME array with covariance matrices R_t
H N_max x N_max covariance matrix H_T
Pa K x K x (TIME+1) array of covariance matrices P_t, output of gkalfilter
gkallagOut K x K x TIME array of covariance matrices for smoothed state space series P_(t,t-1|T). The first entry is Ps_(1,0|T).


library("xplore")    ; loads the quantlets from xplore library
Pa    = read("housePa.dat")
dimPa = read("housedimPa.dat")
Pa    = reshape(Pa',dimPa)
Y  = read("houseprice.dat")
T  =(#(1.4,1)'|#(-0.4,0)')~0*matrix(2,3)|(0*matrix(3,2)~unit(3))
Ta = gkalarray(Y,T,0,0)
Ra = gkalarray(Y,diag(#(0.4,0,0,0,0)),0,0)
Z  = matrix(3)~0*matrix(3,4)
IZ = 0*matrix(3,2)~(#(1:3)'|#(4:6)'|#(7:9)')
XZ = read("housequality.dat")
Za = gkalarray(Y,Z,IZ,XZ)
H  = 2*unit(3)
gkallagOut = gkallag(Y,Ta,Za[,,100],Ra,H,Pa)

Array with the covariance matrices for the smoothed
series at t and t-1.

Author: R. Schulz, A. Werwatz, 20021120 license MD*Tech
(C) MD*TECH Method and Data Technologies, 05.02.2006