Keywords - Function groups - @ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Library: gplm
See also: gplmest glmopt list append delete

Quantlet: gplmopt
Description: gplmopt defines a list with optional parameters in gplm functions. The list is either created or new options are appended to an existing list. Note that gplmopt does accept _any_ values for the parameters without validity.

Usage: opt = gplmopt(s0,v0{,s1,v1{,...{,opt0}}})
s0,s1,... string, name of the component to add. Allowed are "code" (model code), "wx" (observation weights), "weights" (weights type for wx), "wt" (trimming weights), "wc" (weights for convergence criterion), "off" (offset), "nosort" (no sort of data), "shf" (show iteration process), "miter" (maximal number of iterations), "cnv" (convergence criterion), "fscor" (Fisher scoring) "meth" (backfitting/profile likelihood) "pow" (power) "nbk" (parameter k for negative binomial). For gplmout, the parameters "nopic" (no picture), "name" (output name), "xvars" (variable names) "title" (output title) are possible as well. See "gplmest", "gplmbootstraptest", "gplmstat", "gplmout" for the meaning of these components.
v1,v2,... object, value of the corresponding component to add.
opt0 optional, name of list where the component(s) should be added.
opt resulting list of options.


Content of object opt.cnv
[1,]    0.001
Content of object opt.miter
[1,]       20
Content of object opt.title
[1,] MyExample

Author: M. Mueller, 20010228
(C) MD*TECH Method and Data Technologies, 05.02.2006