Keywords - Function groups - @ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Library: hazreg
See also: grstree stree

Quantlet: grstreecircle
Description: an auxiliary quantlet for grstree - generates the circles in the survival tree

Usage: {data,text} = grstreecircle(x,y,r,spv,ncases,median,deathcatg,left,col,fontsize,varname)
x vector; coordinates of the circles (inner nodes) for the graph. Specifically, reference points are at 12 o'clock, i.e., x contains x-coordinates of centers in the circles.
y vector; coordinates of the circles for the graph. Specifically, each row is the y coordinate of the very upper point of the circle (12 o'clock).
r scalar; radius of the circle
spv vector; split variable in the corresponding (inner) node
ncases vector; number of cases
median vector; median values
deathcatg vector; death categories
left vector; indices of the nodes being left daughter nodes - used for adjusting the text
col (2x1) vector; col[1] is the color of the circles and col[2] color of their descriptions
fontsize scalar; size of the used font
varname string vector; names of the covariates
data composed graphical object of the circles
text composed graphical object of the description

Author: K. Komorad, W. Haerdle, 20020322 license MD*Tech
(C) MD*TECH Method and Data Technologies, 05.02.2006