Keywords - Function groups - @ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Library: hazreg
See also: grstree

Quantlet: stree
Description: constructs and plots a survival tree - a nonparametric regression model for censored survival data


Usage: {nodenum,cases,dnleft,dnright,median,splitvar,splitval,groutput} = stree(covars,time,censor,covartypes,method{,disp{,col{,fontsize{,varname}}}})
covars matrix of explanatory variables (given columnwise); categorical variables may not have more than 10 categories, which should be encoded as 0,1,...,k
time T x 1 vector, survival time for each observation
censor n x 1 vector, indication whether censoring occured (alive; zero) or not (dead; non-zero)
covartypes n x 1 vector, the types of the covariates: zero = numerical (metric) variable, non-zero = nominal (categorical) variable
method string, only three possible methods are allowed: "logrank", "adaptnorm" or "globnorm"
disp (optional) scalar, non-zero if a display should be shown (default), zero if no display is desired
col (optional) vector of color numbers, col[1] represents the color of the circles, col[2] the color of their descriptions, col[3] the color of boxes, col[4] the color of their descriptions, col[5] corresponds to the color of the arrows and col[6] to their descriptions.
fontsize (optional) scalar, size of the font used
varname (optional) string vector, names of the explanatory variables, default is the notation X1 ... Xn , where n denotes the column number of explanatory variables
nodenum n x 1 vector, the numbers of nodes
cases n x 1 vector, the number of cases in the corresponding node
dnleft n x 1 vector, the node number of the left daughter node
dnright n x 1 vector, the node number of the right daughter node
median n x 1 vector, median at the corresponding node
splitvar n x 1 vector, number of the variable, which caused the split at this node
splitval n x 1 vector, split value for numerical variables and split categories c_1,...,c_k encoded as a number c_1 + c_2 * 10 + ... + c_k * 10^(k-1) for nominal variables. All observations from the node having the variable splitvar larger than the value in splitval were split into the right daughter node, those with lower splitvar than splitval are in the left daughter node. In the case of categorical variables, the split categories in splitval are those split to the right daughter node.
groutput list of graphical objects - used for plotting the stree


n = 100
p = 2
beta = 1|2                      ; regression parameter
z = 1 + uniform(n,p)            ; covariates
y = -log(1-uniform(n))          ; exponential survival
y = y./exp(z*beta)              ; covariate effects
c = 0.01*uniform(n)             ; uniform censoring
t = 1000*min(y~c,2)             ; censored time
delta =(y<=c)                  ; censoring indicator
ctypes = 0|0		        ; types of covariates
method = "logrank"
st = stree(z, t, delta, ctypes, method)

A graph containing the computed survival tree is shown
together with the following text output.

The Survival Tree:
             Log rank method (before Prune)
      |       |daughter-nodes|   median |split  |  split
node #| cases |left    right |   value  | var # |  value
   1     100      2      3       3.24       2      1.58
   2      56      4      5       3.95       2      1.41
   3      44      6      7       2.56       1      1.64
   4      36      8      9       3.95       1      1.37
   5      20     10     11       4.30       1      1.52
   6      27     12     13       2.59       1      1.22
   7      17     14     15       2.34       2      1.84
   9      17     16     17       4.79       1      1.68
  13      19     18     19       2.48       2      1.77
             Log rank method (after Prune)
      |       |daughter-nodes|   median |split  |  split
node #| cases |left    right |   value  | var # |  value
   1     100      2      3       3.24       2      1.58
   2      56      4      5       3.95       2      1.41
   3      44      6      7       2.56       1      1.64
   4      36      8      9       3.95       1      1.37
   9      17     16     17       4.79       1      1.68

Author: P. Cizek, K. Komorad, W. Haerdle, 20020322 license MD*Tech
(C) MD*TECH Method and Data Technologies, 05.02.2006