Keywords - Function groups - @ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Library: hazreg
See also: hazdat haznar hazrisk

Quantlet: hazkpm
Description: estimates the survival function at the sorted observations of a right-censored data together with the Greenwood pointwise confidence intervals.

Usage: {cil, kme, ciu} = hazkpm(data{,alpha})
data n x (p+4) matrix, the first column is the sorted survival time t, followed by the sorted delta, inidcating if censoring has occured, labels l, a column containing the number of ties, and lastly, the sorted covariate matrix z.
alpha scalar, the confidence level, optional, default = 0.05
cil n x 2 matrix, the first column is the sorted t, followed by the Greenwood lower confidence bound for the survival function at the points of t.
kme n x 2 matrix, the first column is the sorted t, followed by the Kaplan-Meier estimates of the survival function at the points of t.
ciu n x 2 matrix, the first column is the sorted t, followed by the Greenwood upper confidence bound for the survival function at the points of t.

y = -log(1-uniform(20))         ; exponential survival
c = 5*uniform(20)               ; uniform censoring
t = min(y~c,2)                  ; censored time
delta =(y<=c)                  ; censoring indicator
{data,ties} = hazdat(t,delta)   ; preparing data
{cil, kme, ciu} = hazkpm(data)  ; the Kaplan-Meier
; estimates with the
; Greenwood
; confidence bounds

The Kaplan-Meier estimates and Greenwood confidence
bounds are obtained for the sorted censored data.
y = 2|1|3|2|4|7|1|3|2        ; hypothetical survival
c = 3|1|5|6|1|6|2|4|5        ; hypothetical censoring
t = min(y~c,2)               ; censored time
delta =(y<=c)               ; censoring indicator
{data,ties} = hazdat(t,delta)   ; preparing data
{cil, kme, ciu} = hazkpm(data)  ; the Kaplan-Meier
; estimates with the
; Greenwood
; confidence bounds

The Kaplan-Meier estimates and Greenwood confidence
bounds are obtained for the sorted censored data.
There are ties in the data: three 1's, three 2's,
two 3's.

Author: L. Yang, B. Grund, 20000308
(C) MD*TECH Method and Data Technologies, 05.02.2006