Keywords - Function groups - @ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Library: stats
See also: linregstep linregfs2 linregopt gls linregbs linregres doglm

Quantlet: linregfs
Description: linregfs computes a simple forward selection for a multiple linear regression model.


Usage: {xfs,bfs,pvl} = linregfs (x, y {, alpha})
x n x p regressor variables
y n x 1 dependent variable
alpha scalar level of testing
xfs n x q
bfs q x 1 the estimated regression coefficients
pvl q x 3 the returned p-values


; loads the library stats
; reset random generator
; generate x
x = normal(1000, 3)
; generate y
y = 10*x[,3]+x[,1].*x[,2]
; do the forward selection
{xfs,bfs,pvl}=linregfs(x, y, 0.05)
; print the regression coefficients and test results

Contents of _tmp
[1,]  0.021854        0     +NAN     +NaN
[2,]   9.9689        3        0   0.8867
[3,]  0.069415        2  0.017246  0.88256

The result includes the constant term (always first), the
third variable and the second variable. The first column
are the regression coefficients. The second column are
the selected variables (0 means constant term). The
third column contains the p-values whereas the last
column contains the residual sum of squares divided by

Author: S. Klinke, 19970820
(C) MD*TECH Method and Data Technologies, 05.02.2006