Keywords - Function groups - @ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Library: times
See also: rvlm kpss robwhittle roblm lobrob gph neweywest

Quantlet: lo
Description: Calculation of the Lo statistic for long-range dependence.


Usage: Qn = lo(y{,trunclag})
y vector, the time series
trunclag vector of truncation lags for the autocorrelation consistent variance estimator (optional). If this argument is missing, the vector of truncation lags is set to m = 5, 10, 25, 50.
Qn string vector containing the estimated statistic with its corresponding order. If the estimated statistic is outside the interval (0.809, 1.862), which is the 95 percent confidence interval for no long-memory, a star symbol * is displayed in the third column. The other critical values are in Lo's paper.

;detection of the existence of long-memory in the volatility
;Since no optional argument is provided, Lo statistic is calculated
;for the expansion orders 5, 10, 25, 50. Since for the orders 5 and 10,
;the statistic is outside the 95 percent confidence interval for no
;long-memory, a star is displayed after the statistic.
x = read("dmus58.dat")
x = x[1:2000]
y = abs(tdiff(x))
q = lo(y)

Contents of q

[1,] " Order   Statistic"
[2,] "__________________ "
[3,] ""
[4,] "    5     2.0012 *"
[5,] "   10     1.8741 *"
[6,] "   25     1.7490 "
[7,] "   50     1.6839 "
;detection of the existence of long-memory in the volatility
;In this case, the Lo statistic is calculated for the expansion
;orders 10, 15, and 20, which are provided as second arguments
;of the quantlet. Since the statistic is outside the 95 percent
;confidence interval for no long-memory, for the order 10, a
;star is displayed after the statistic.
x = read("dmus58.dat")
x = x[1:2000]
y = abs(tdiff(x))
m = #(10,15,20)
q = lo(y,m)

Contents of q

[1,] " Order   Statistic"
[2,] "__________________ "
[3,] ""
[4,] "   10     1.8741 *"
[5,] "   15     1.8065 "
[6,] "   20     1.7744 "

Author: G. Teyssiere, T. Kleinow, 20010720.
(C) MD*TECH Method and Data Technologies, 05.02.2006