Keywords - Function groups - @ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Library: smoother
See also: locpol

Quantlet: locpolex
Description: computes the local polynomial estimator with an arbitrary kernel.

Usage: {ab,e} = locpolex(x,xg,y,h{,kernfunc,omitx,z,zg})
x n x d matrix of explanatory variables
xg m x d matrix of grid points at which the estimation will be done
y n x 1 vector representing the dependent variable
h scalar or d x 1 vector representing the bandwidth(s); if h is a scalar, the same bandwidth is used across all dimensions of x
kernfunc optional string, it contains the name of a function that computes a kernel (e.g., a function from library "kernel"); if kernfunc is omitted or empty, the Gaussian kernel function "gau" is used
omitx optional scalar, if non-zero, then the point at which we just compute the local linear approximation is itself excluded from the computation; this option is only usable if x == xg and it is disabled (omitx == 0) by default
z optional n x d1 matrix, it can contain alternative data points that are then used in computing the kernel distances instead of x (e.g., z can be a subset of x); it can be used only together with zg; by default, z = x
zg optional m x d1 matrix, it can contain alternative data points that are then used in computing the kernel distances instead of xg (e.g., z can be a subset of x); it can be used only together with z; by default, zg = xg
ab m x (d+1) matrix, the regression function (the first column) and its first d derivatives at xg
e n x 1 vector of regression residuals


; generate data
n   = 200
x  = sort(2*uniform(n))
y  = 1.5*cos(x^3) + 0.2 * normal(n)
h = 0.1
; estimation with gaussian and quartic kernel
mh1 = locpolex(x,x,y, h)
mh2 = locpolex(x,x,y, h, "qua")
; plot
data = setmask(x ~ y, "small")
lp1 = setmask(x ~ mh1.ab[,1], "line", "thin", "red")
lp2 = setmask(x ~ mh2.ab[,1], "line", "thin", "blue")
plot(data, lp1, lp2)

A display showing local polynomial regression with the
Gaussian (red line) and the quartic (blue line) kernels.

Author: P. Cizek, 20020419
(C) MD*TECH Method and Data Technologies, 05.02.2006