Keywords - Function groups - @ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Library: smoother
See also: lpderest lpregrot

Quantlet: lpregest
Description: estimates a regression function using local polynomial kernel regression. The computation uses WARPing.


Usage: mh = lpregest (x, h {,p {,K} {,d}})
x n x 2, the data. In the first column the independent, in the second column the dependent variable.
h scalar, bandwidth. If not given, the rule of thumb bandwidth computed by lpregrot is used.
p integer, order of polynomial. If not given, p=1 (local linear) is used. p=0 yields the Nadaraya-Watson estimator.
K string, kernel function on [-1,1] or Gaussian kernel "gau". If not given, the Quartic kernel "qua" is used.
d scalar, discretization binwidth. d must be smaller than h. If not given, the minimum of h/3 and (max(x[,1])-min(x[,1]))/100 is used.
mh m x 2 matrix, the first column is a grid and the second column contains the regression estimate on that grid.

x = 4.*pi.*(uniform(200)-0.5)   ; independent variable
m = cos(x)                      ; true function
e = uniform(200)-0.5            ; error term
x = x~(m+e)
mh = lpregest(x,1)                ; estimate function
mh = setmask(mh, "line","blue")
m  = setmask(sort(x[,1]~m) , "line","black","thin")

The Nadaraya-Watson regession estimate (blue) using
Quartic kernel and bandwidth h=1 and the true
regression function (thin black) are pictured.

Author: M. Mueller, 20000328
(C) MD*TECH Method and Data Technologies, 05.02.2006