Keywords - Function groups - @ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Group: Optimizer
See also: bfgs

Function: nelmin
Description: nelmin searchs for a minimum of a function. In each iteration step the function is evaluated at a simplex consisting of p+1 points. The simplex contracts until the variance of the evaluated function values is less than eps (or the maximal number of iterations is reached).


Usage: x = nelmin (x0, f, maxiter {,eps , step})
x0 p x n matrix with n starting vectors
f text, name of the procedure where the function is defined
maxiter integer, maximal number of iterations
eps scalar
step scalar, lenght of initial simplex
x.minimum p x n matrix with the n minima
x.iter number of iterations
x.converged 1 if the algorithm has converged with every starting vector and 0 if it has not


proc(y) = f(x)
  y = sum(x^2)
x0    = #(1,1,1)~#(1,2,3)
nelmin(x0, "f", 100, 1.0e-6)

Contents of nelmin.minimum

[1,]  0.017404 -0.02019

[2,] -0.0070216  0.022459

[3,]  0.016622  0.0042336

Contents of nelmin.iter

[1,]       53

Contents of nelmin.converged

[1,]        1

(C) MD*TECH Method and Data Technologies, 05.02.2006