Keywords - Function groups - @ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Library: panel
See also: panfixed panrand list append delete

Quantlet: panopt
Description: used to specify optional parameters of the quantlets panfix and panrand. Each option consists of a string s and a number n (in this order).

Usage: opt = panopt(s1,n1{,s2,n2,s3,n3,s4,n4,s5,n5})
s1, s2, ... string, name of the option. Allowed are: "alpha" : Fixed-effect estimation (panfix quantlet only), "autoco" : Test for autocorrelation of errors (panfix quantlet only), "ci" : Display of the confidence intervals of the estimated parameters. In this case, specify the level of the confidence interval. "notab" : No display of the output table, "robust" : Aranello robust standard errors (panfix quantlet only)
n1, n2, ... scalar, if equal or greater than 1, the corresponding option is invoked.
opt resulting list of options.

opt=panopt("robust",1,"ci",10) ; robust standard errors and 90% confidence interval

Contents of opt.robust
[1,]        1

Contents of
[1,]       10

Author: A. Werwatz, 20011002
(C) MD*TECH Method and Data Technologies, 05.02.2006