Keywords - Function groups - @ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Library: stats
See also: DOcorrOrPoly DOcorr corresp

Quantlet: plotDOcorr
Description: plotting quantlet for the quantlet DOcorr

Usage: plotDOcorr(fs,gs {,dim1,dim2,label1,label2})
fs n x 3 matrix, row profile coordinates for plotting
gs m x 3 matrix, column profile coordinates for plotting
dim1 (optional) scalar, dimension to be plotted; default dim1 = 1
dim2 (optional) scalar, dimension to be plotted; default dim2 = 2
label1 (optional) n x 1 string vector, row labels; default label1 = string(" row%3.0f",1:n)
label2 (optional) m x 1 string vector, column labels; default label2 = string(" column%3.0f",1:m)

  lab1="  Well"|"  Mild"|"  Moderate"|"  Impaired"
  lab2="  A"|"  B"|"  C"|"  D"|"  E"|"  F"

Grafical output: blue squares represent row elements,
red triangles represent column elements.

Author: M. Benko 20030402 license MD*Tech
(C) MD*TECH Method and Data Technologies, 05.02.2006