Keywords - Function groups - @ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Library: finance
See also: grITTcrr grITTstsp grITTspd ITT

Quantlet: plotITT
Description: plots desired components of an implied trinomial tree


Usage: plotITT(itree,what{,r{,text{,prtext}}})
itree list; output of ITT(.) containing: Ttree - the Implied Trinomial Tree, P - the upper probabilities, Q - the lower probabilities, AD - the Arrow-Debreu prices, LocVol - the local volatilities, Onodes - the overwritten nodes, Oprobs - the overwritten probabilities and Time - the time vector.
what optional vector; with maximal 5 rows, the rows correspond to: (1) state space of the ITT, (2) transition probabilities, (3) tree of local volatilities, (4) the tree of the Arrow-Debreu prices and (5) the state price density. The row for each item which should be plotted must contain a non-zero element.
r optional scalar; interest rate, from interval (0,1), which is only needed when the state price density should be plotted.
text optional scalar; text = 1, the description of the tree nodes with the values of the underlying (default), text = 0 if no description is desired. Applicable only when the state space of the ITT should be plotted.
prtext optional scalar; prtext = 1, the description of the tree arrows with corresponding probabilities is shown, prtext = 0 for no description (default). Applicable only when the state space of the ITT should be plotted.


  sigma=0.15 +(S-K)/10 * 0.005
S = 100	        ; current index level
r = 0.1		; compounded riskless interest rate
div = 0.05          ; dividend yield
time = 0|1|3|6	; time vector
t=ITT(S, r, div, time, "volafunc")
plotITT(t,0|0|0|0|1,r)             ; plot the state price density

A plot showing a blue state price density curve
  sigma=0.15 +(S-K)/10 * 0.01
S = 100	        ; current index level
r = 0.1		; compounded riskless interest rate
div = 0.05          ; dividend yield
time = 0|3|5|6	; time vector
what = 0|1|1	; plot the probabilities and loc. volatilities
t=ITT(S, r, div, time, "volafunc")

One display with the transition probabilities and
one display showing the local volatilities is plotted.

Author: K. Komorad, W. Haerdle, 20020326 license MD*Tech
(C) MD*TECH Method and Data Technologies, 05.02.2006