Keywords - Function groups - @ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Library: plot
See also:

Quantlet: plotscml
Description: Plots a scatterplotmatrix with common axes where all plots are linked.

Usage: plotscml (data{, varnames})
data vector with p columns
varname text vector with p columns ( variable names are expected)

setsize(600, 600)
plotscml(x, names)
setgopt(d, 1, 1, "ymajor", 1)
setgopt(d, 2, 1, "ymajor", 1)
setgopt(d, 3, 1, "ymajor", 1)
setgopt(d, 6, 1, "ymajor", 1)
setgopt(d, 7, 2, "xmajor", 1)
setgopt(d, 7, 3, "xmajor", 1)
setgopt(d, 7, 4, "xmajor", 1)
setgopt(d, 7, 7, "xmajor", 1)

A display with pxp windows is created.

Author: S. Klinke, 19990521
(C) MD*TECH Method and Data Technologies, 05.02.2006