Keywords - Function groups - @ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Library: fda
See also: Bsplineevalgd Fourierevalgd

Quantlet: polyevalgd
Description: computes polynomial basis and its derivatives.

Usage: polyevalgd (argvals, nbasis {,deriv, omega})
argvals n x m matrix, arguments
nbasis scalar, number of basis functions
deriv r x 1 vector of integers (>= 0), optional, contains the orders of derivatives to compute. If deriv = 0 the actual Fourier bases will be calculated. The default value is deriv = 0.
omega scalar, optional, shift parameter (default = 0)
phi (n x nbasis x rows(deriv) x m) array, values of the basis functions (and its derivatives)


tvec = #(0, 2, 3, 6, 10)
polyevalgd(tvec, 5, #(0, 2), 0.1)

Contents of phi

  [1,]        1     -0.1     0.01   -0.001   0.0001
  [2,]        1      1.9     3.61    6.859   13.032
  [3,]        1      2.9     8.41   24.389   70.728
  [4,]        1      5.9    34.81   205.38   1211.7
  [5,]        1      9.9    98.01    970.3     9606
  [1,]        0        0        2     -0.6     0.12
  [2,]        0        0        2     11.4    43.32
  [3,]        0        0        2     17.4   100.92
  [4,]        0        0        2     35.4   417.72
  [5,]        0        0        2     59.4   1176.1

Author: J. Ulbricht 20040713 license MD*Tech
(C) MD*TECH Method and Data Technologies, 05.02.2006