Keywords - Function groups - @ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Library: distribs
See also: pdfhyp cdfhyp mlhyp rndhyp

Quantlet: qhyp
Description: generates the p-th quantile of Hyperbolic (HYP) distributed variable in the interval [a,b]

Usage: y = qhyp(p,a,b,alpha,beta,delta,mu)
p scalar, probability of HYP variable
a scalar, lower bound of the quantile
b scalar, upper bound of the quantile
alpha scalar, parameter of HYP variable
beta scalar, parameter of HYP variable
delta scalar, parameter of HYP variable
mu scalar, parameter of HYP variable
y scalar, p-th quantile of the HYP variable

lambda = 1
alpha = 1
beta = 0
delta = 1
mu =0
p = aseq(0.01,5,0.1)
a = matrix(5,1)*(-5)
b = matrix(5,1)*5
y = qhyp(p,a,b,alpha,beta,delta,mu)

Contents of y
[1,]  -4.3242
[2,]  -1.838
[3,]  -1.1261
[4,]  -0.66528
[5,]  -0.29884

Author: Y. Chen, 20050204 license MD*Tech
(C) MD*TECH Method and Data Technologies, 05.02.2006