Keywords - Function groups - @ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Library: robtech
See also: l1fit lts mve

Quantlet: rdl1
Description: Computes RDL1 estimate --- a weighted L1-estimator of y on on continuous variables x and binary variables xdum with weights min(1, p/(RD^2)); RD contains the robust distances obtained by the MVE estimator for x.

Usage: z = rdl1(x,xdum,y)
x n x p1 matrix of continuous explanatory variables.
xdum n x p2 matrix of binary explanatory variables (including intercept if required).
y n x 1 vector, dependent variable.
z.coefs (p1+p2) x 1 vector of the estimated regression parameters.
z.weight n x 1 vector of the robust weights used in L1 regression.
z.res n x 1 vector of the regression residuals.
z.scale a robust estimate of scale (median absolute deviation).
z.stres n x 1 vector of the standardized regression residuals.


n = 100
x = normal(n)
xdum = matrix(n)~rint(uniform(n))
y = 5 + 2*x - xdum[,2] + normal(n)
; compute the estimate
z = rdl1(x, xdum, y)

Contents of coefs - estimates of b = (2,5,-1)' coefficient vector
(coefficient 2 corresponds to the only continuous variable x,
coefficients 5 and -1 to the binary variables - intercept and xdum)
[1,]   2.2634
[2,]   5.0839
[3,]  -0.9755

Author: P. Cizek, 20010226
(C) MD*TECH Method and Data Technologies, 05.02.2006