Keywords - Function groups - @ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Library: stats
See also: relation relationchi2 relationcont relationrank relationcorr

Quantlet: relationcorrcont
Description: Computes the corrected contingency coefficient for discrete data.

Usage: rel = relationcorrcont (x {, colname {, opt}})
x n x p variables
colname n x p variable names
opt q x 1 text vector of optional parameters
rel.r p x p matrix of corrected contingency coefficients
rel.pval p x p significance level of chi^2 statistics


; loads the library stats
; read swiss banknote data
; actually these data are continuous, but the first
; three variables have approx. 20 realizations
x = read("bank2")
x = x[,1:3]
; compute the corrected contingency coefficients and the
; pvalues of the chi^2 statistic automatically
colname = string("X%0.f", 1:cols(x))
relationcorrcont(x, colname, "automatic")

Contents of rel.r
[1,]        1  0.81833  0.85195
[2,]  0.81833        1  0.86405
[3,]  0.85195  0.86405        1
Contents of rel.pval
[1,]        0  0.20152  0.0024184
[2,]  0.20152        0  3.8681e-11
[3,]  0.0024184  3.8681e-11        0

Author: S. Klinke, 19981112
(C) MD*TECH Method and Data Technologies, 05.02.2006