Keywords - Function groups - @ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Group: Handling of time
Topic: Generating timepoints
See also: settime settimezero getnow getlocalnow

Function: settimegran
Description: settimegran changes the granulation. Possible values for newgran are 1...7 (Seconds, minutes, hour, days, weeks, month, years)

Usage: settimegran (t, newgran)
t n x 1 time vector
newgran scalar

yr = 1970 +(1:10)
t  = settime(yr)
settimegran(t, 4)

t contains now all dates from 1.1.1971 0:00:00.0 till
1.1.1980 0:00:00.0 measured in days.

(C) MD*TECH Method and Data Technologies, 05.02.2006