Keywords - Function groups - @ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Group: Plot Manipulation
See also: adddata createdisplay deletedata getdata setmaskl setmaskp setmaskt

Function: show
Description: Used to show graphical objects (such as a data matrix) in a display.

Usage: show(di, l_num, c_num, data1 {, data2, ...})
di string, name of the display
l_num integer, representing the number of a row of the display di that contains the window in which you want to show the graphical object(s)
c_num integer, representing the number of a column of the display di that contains the window in which you want to show the graphical object(s)
data1 n x p matrix of data with at least 2 columns, containing either numbers or strings (strings must be put in quotation marks), or a combination of both (use string function as shown in the final example below)
data2, ... optional n x p matrix of additional data


func("gennorm")				; loads quantet "gennorm"
sig=#(1,0.7)~#(0.7~1) 			; covariance matrix
z=gennorm(100,0|0,sig)			; create 100 observations of bivariate normal data
di1=createdisplay(1, 1) 		; creates a 1-window display
show(di1,1,1,z)	        		; scatterplot of datamatrix z

shows a scatterplot of the datamatrix z
func("gennorm")				; loads the quantlet "gennorm"
func("regxest")				; loads the quantlet "looreg"
sig=#(1,0.7)~#(0.7~1) 			; covariance matrix
z=gennorm(500,0|0,sig)			; create 100 observations of bivariate normal data
z=sort(z,1)				; sort data
mh=regxest(z, 0.5) 	; kernel-smooth
di2=createdisplay(1,1)  		; create 1-window display
show(di2, 1, 1, z, mh) 			; datamatrix and smooth

The data matrix and the smoother are shown in a
display window.
func("regxest")				; load quantlet "regxest"
func("gls")				; load quantlet "gls"
di3 = createdisplay(2, 2) 		; create a 4-window display
n = 500					; sample size
x = 1:n					; generate the explanatory variable
y = sin(x[,2]/100)+normal(500, 1)     	; generate the dependent variable
b = gls(matrix(n)~x,y)			; OLS regression with intercept
yols =(matrix(n)~x)*b			; OLS fit
mh = regxest(x~y,15)			; sorted explanatory variables(first columns)
; and kernel fit(second column)
show(di3, 1, 1, x~y)			; scatterplot
show(di3, 1, 2, x~y, mh)		; scatterplot and kernel smooth
; to display strings, put them in quotation marks
; to create a new line use stacking up operator "|"
; to combine strings with numerical elements use "string" function
show(di3, 2, 1, "OLS estimates"|string("intercept= %f", b[1,])|string("slope= %f", b[2,]))
show(di3, 2, 2, x~y, x~yols)		; scatterplot and OLS fit

Three plots with data, data and the smoother,
data with OLS line, and a text describing the
OLS regression.

(C) MD*TECH Method and Data Technologies, 05.02.2006