Keywords - Function groups - @ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Library: spc
See also: spccusum1c spccusum1arl spccusum1

Quantlet: spccusum1ad
Description: Computes the Average Delays of a one-sided CUSUM chart for a given critical value and for various expected values mu. The data is normally distributed with variance 1.


Usage: ad = spccusum1ad (mu, k, c, r)
mu n x 1 vector containing the expected values of the user-defined random variable
k scalar, reference value. It must be positive and be expressed as a multiple of the standard error.
c scalar, critical value
r scalar, matrix dimension of the approximating one-dimensional Markov chain. Good accuracy is already obtained for smaller values than in the ARL scheme.
ad n x 1 vector of scalars containing the average delays of a one-sided CUSUM chart


; ADs of a one-sided CUSUM chart for different expected
; values mu, reference value k = 0.5 and matrix dimension 50(of
; the approximating one-dimensional Markov chain);
library("spc")  		     ; load quantlets of library spc
mu =(0:4)/4			     ; expected value
c = spccusum1c(100,0.5,50)	     ; critical value
ad = spccusum1ad(mu,0.5,c,50) 	     ; average delay

Contents of _tmp
[1,]        0   97.577
[2,]     0.25   33.951
[3,]      0.5   15.141
[4,]     0.75   8.4566
[5,]        1   5.5793

Author: S. Knoth, 20011010 license MD*Tech
(C) MD*TECH Method and Data Technologies, 05.02.2006