Keywords - Function groups - @ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Library: finance
See also: asset bitree bs1 optstart stocksim stockest stockestsim

Quantlet: tgarsim
Description: plots the difference between call option prices calculated by the Black & Scholes model and between risk neutral GARCH or Treshold GARCH models.


Usage: tgarsim() or tgarsim(S,r,sigma,tau,n,lambda,alpha,beta,a1,a2,b)
S scalar, value of the stock at time t = 0
r scalar, interest rate [0%, 100%]
sigma scalar, constant parameter of (T-)GARCH model representing the Black & Scholes volatility
tau scalar, days to maturity
n scalar, number of tossings
lambda scalar, factor for the influence of the volatility in the price process
alpha scalar, alpha parameter of the GARCH model
beta scalar, beta parameter of the GARCH model
a1 scalar, alpha1 parameter of the TGARCH (case: eps>0)
a2 scalar, alpha2 parameter of the TGARCH (case: eps<0)
b scalar, beta parameter of the TGARCH



Opens interactive menus where you are asked to specify
the characteristics of your stocks and the models used
to calculate the option prices.
A display of four different graphics is depicted showing
in the upper left corner the stock price simulated by
the (T-)GARCH and the Black & Scholes model and in the
upper right corner the corresponding option prices.
The display in the lower left corner shows the absolute
difference and the one in the lower right corner the
relative difference of option prices calculated by
the (T-)GARCH and the Black & Scholes model.
S = 685.7           ; value of stock at time t=0
r = 8               ; interest rate
sigma = 0.0001641   ; constant parameter of(T-)GARCH model
tau = 15            ; days to maturity
n = 100             ; number of tossings
lambda = 0.001      ; factor for the influence of the volatility in the price process
alpha = 0.00614     ; alpha parameter of GARCH model
beta = 0.09244      ; beta parameter of GARCH model
a1 = 0.9*alpha      ; Parameter for TGARCH(case: eps>0)
a2 = 0.2*alpha      ; Parameter for TGARCH(case: eps<0)
b =  0.09244        ; beta parameter of TGARCH model

A display plotting the stock price simulation, the
option prices as well as the absolute and relative difference
of option prices calculated by the (T-)GARCH and the
Black & Scholes model.

Author: K. Komorad, W. Haerdle, 20020105 license MD*Tech
(C) MD*TECH Method and Data Technologies, 05.02.2006