Keywords - Function groups - @ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Library: times
See also: acf pacf timeplot

Quantlet: timeplotlabel
Description: Generates a display that shows the time series x. The abscissa is labelled automatically, when the labels have the format year:1. One may specify the periodicity of the labels.

Usage: timeplotlabel(x,p,sy,sp{,m,colors,textsize})
x T x p matrix of p time series (every column represents one time series); if some time series is shorter (it starts later or ends earlier), the missing observations are to be filled with NaNs
p scalar; periodicity of the series (for example 4 for quarterly data)
sy year in which the series begins (for example 1980)
sp period during which the series begins (e.g. if the series is quarterly and begins in the third quarter, just set sp=3)
m optional; periodicity of the labels on the abscissa. The default value is 5.
colors optional, a vector of strings describing colors used for plotting the time series (possible colors are "black", "blue", "green", "cyan", "red", "magenta", "yellow", "white"); if the vector is shorted than p, it is recycled
textsize optional size of the text used for axes descriptions; possible values are 12 to 16, default is 12.


library("times")             ; loads the quantlets from times library
dax = read("dax")            ; monthly DAX 1979:1-2000:10
dax = dax[6:253]             ; monthly DAX 1979:6-2000:1
p  = 12                      ; monthly data
sy = 1979                    ; series begins in 1979
sp = 6                       ; in June
m  = 2                       ; every second year is labelled
timeplotlabel(dax,p,sy,sp,m,"blue") ; displays the series

Display that shows the series of the DAX, the German stock
index. The labels on the abscissa start with 1980:1 and continue
with 1982:1. The last label represents the last observation in 2000:1.

Author: R. Schulz, P. Cizek, 20011017
(C) MD*TECH Method and Data Technologies, 05.02.2006