2. Basic idea of smoothing

                If $m$ is believed to be smooth, then the observations at $X_i$ near $x$ should contain information about the value of $m$ at $x$. Thus it should be possible to use something like a local average of the data near $x$ to construct an estimator of $m(x)$.

R. Eubank (1988, p. 7)

Smoothing of a dataset $\{ (X_i,Y_i) \}_{i=1}^n$ involves the approximation of the mean response curve $m$ in the regression relationship

Y_i=m(X_i)+\epsilon_i, \quad i=1,\ldots,n.
\end{displaymath} (2.0.1)

The functional of interest could be the regression curve itself, certain derivatives of it or functions of derivatives such as extrema or inflection points. The data collection could have been performed in several ways. If there are repeated observations at a fixed point $X=x$ estimation of $m(x)$ can be done by using just the average of the corresponding $Y$-values. In the majority of cases though repeated responses at a given $x$ cannot be obtained. In most studies of a regression relationship (2.0.1), there is just a single response variable $Y$ and a single predictor variable $X$ which may be a vector in $\mathbb{R}^d$. An example from biometry is the height growth experiment described in 1. In a frequently occurring economic example the variable $Y$ is a discrete variable (indicating some choice) and the vector $X$ denotes an influential variable; see Manski (1989).

There are other restrictions on the possibility of multiple data recording. An experimental setup may not be repeatable since the object under consideration gets demolished. This is often the case in biomechanical experiments. Kallieris and Mattern (1984) describe a side impact study where acceleration curves from postmortal test objects have been recorded in simulated crashes. Also, budget restrictions and ethical considerations may force the experimenter to adopt a single experimental setup. One can certainly imagine situations in which it is too expensive to carry out more than one experiment for a specific level of the influential variable $X$. This raises the following question:

If there are no repeated observations how can we possibly gather information about the regression curve?

In the trivial case in which $m(x)$ is a constant, estimation of $m$ reduces to the point estimation of location, since an average over the response variables $Y$ yields an estimate of $m$. In practical studies though it is unlikely (or not believed, since otherwise there is not quite a response to study) that the regression curve is constant. Rather the assumed curve is modeled as a smooth continuous function of a particular structure which is ``nearly constant'' in small neighborhoods around $x$. It is difficult to judge from looking even at a two dimensional scatter plot whether a regression curve is locally constant. Recall for instance the binary response example as presented in Figure 1.8 It seems to be hard to decide from just looking at this data set whether the regression function $m$ is a smooth function. However, sometimes a graphical inspection of the data is helpful. A look at a two-dimensional histogram or similar graphical enhancements can give support for such a smoothness assumption. One should be aware though that even for large data sets small jumps in $m$ may occur and a smooth regression curve is then only an approximation to the true curve.

In Figure 2.1 a scatter plot of a data set of expenditure for food $(Y)$ and income $(X)$ is shown. This scatter plot of the entire data looks unclear, especially in the lower left corner.

Figure 2.1: Food versus net income. Scatter plot of $Y={}$expenditure for food versus $X={}$net income (both reported in multiples of mean expenditure, resp. mean income), $n=7125$. (See Figure 1.1 for the corresponding plot of potatoes versus net income). 2544 ANRfoodscat.xpl Survey (1968-1983).

It is desirable to have a technique which helps us in seeing where the data concentrate. Such an illustration technique is the sunflower plot (Cleveland and McGill; 1984) : Figure 2.2 shows the food versus net income example.

Figure 2.2: Food versus net income. A sunflower plot of $Y={}$expenditure for food versus $X={}$net income (both reported in multiples of mean expenditure, resp. mean income), $n=7125$. The data shown are from the year 1973 (see 1.1 for the corresponding plot of potatoes versus net income). 2548 ANRfoodsun.xpl Survey (1968-1983).

The sunflower plot is constructed by defining a net of squares covering the $(X,Y)$ space and counting the number of observations that fall into the disjoint squares. The number of petals of the sunflower blossom corresponds to the number of observations in the square around the sunflower: It represents the empirical distribution of the data. The sunflower plot of food versus net income shows a concentration of the data around an increasing band of densely packed ``blossoms''. The shape of this band seems to suggest smooth dependence of the average response curve on $x$.

Another example is depicted in Figure 2.3, where heights and ages of a group of persons are shown.

Figure 2.3: Height versus age. Histogram of the two-dimensional distribution of $Y={}$height (in cm) versus $X={}$age (in days) for $n=500$ female persons. Bin size for age=2 years, for height${}=2$ cm. The needles give the counts of how many observations fall into a cell of the bin-net. Source: Institute of Forensic Medicine, University of Heidelberg.

The lengths of the needles in Figure 2.3 correspond to the counts of observations that fall into a net of squares in $(X,Y)$ space. The relation to the sunflower plot is intimate: the needle length is equivalent to the number of petals in the sunflower. In this height versus age data set, the average response curve seems to lie in a band that rises steeply with age (up to about 10,000-15,000 days) and then slowly decreases as the individuals get older.

For the above illustrations, the food versus income and height versus age scatter plots our eyes in fact smooth: The data look more concentrated in a smooth band (of varying extension). This band has no apparent jumps or rapid local fluctuations. A reasonable approximation to the regression curve $m(x)$ will therefore be any representative point close to the center of this band of response variables. A quite natural choice is the mean of the response variables near a point $x$. This ``local average'' should be constructed in such a way that it is defined only from observations in a small neighborhood around $x$, since $Y$-observations from points far away from $x$ will have, in general, very different mean values. This local averaging procedure can be viewed as the basic idea of smoothing. More formally this procedure can be defined as

\hat{m}(x)=n^{-1}\sum_{i=1}^n W_{n i}(x)Y_i,
\end{displaymath} (2.0.2)

where $\{W_{n i}(x)\}_{i=1}^n$ denotes a sequence of weights which may depend on the whole vector $\{ X_i \}_{i=1}^n$.

Every smoothing method to be described here is, at least asymptotically, of the form (2.0.2). Quite often the regression estimator $\hat{m}(x)$ is just called a smoother and the outcome of the smoothing procedure is simply called the smooth (Tukey; 1977). A smooth of the potato data set has already been given in Figure 1.2. A very simple smooth can be obtained by defining the weights as constant over adjacent intervals. This procedure is similar to the histogram, therefore Tukey (1961) called it the regressogram. A regressogram smooth for the potato data is given in Figure 2.4 The weights $\{W_{n i} (x) \}^n_{i=1}$ have been defined here as constant over blocks of length 0.6 starting at $0$. Compared to the sunflower plot (Figure 1.1) of this data set a considerable amount of noise reduction has been achieved and the regressogram smooth is again quite different from the linear fit.

Figure 2.4: Potatoes versus net income. The step function is a nonparametric smooth (regressogram) of the expenditure for potatoes as a function of net income. For this plot the data are normalized by their mean. The straight line denotes a linear fit to the average expenditure curve, $n=7125$, year=1973. Survey (1968-1983). 2553 ANRpotaregress.xpl

Special attention has to be paid to the fact that smoothers, by definition, average over observations with different mean values. The amount of averaging is controlled by the weight sequence $\{W_{n i}(x)\}_{i=1}^n$ which is tuned by a smoothing parameter. This smoothing parameter regulates the size of the neighborhood around $x$. A local average over too large a neighborhood would cast away the good with the bad. In this situation an extremely ``oversmooth'' curve would be produced, resulting in a biased estimate $\hat{m}$. On the other hand, defining the smoothing parameter so that it corresponds to a very small neighborhood would not sift the chaff from the wheat. Only a small number of observations would contribute nonnegligibly to the estimate $\hat{m}(x)$ at $x$ making it very rough and wiggly. In this case the variability of $\hat{m}(x)$ would be inflated. Finding the choice of smoothing parameter that balances the trade-off between oversmoothing and undersmoothing is called the smoothing parameter selection problem.

To give insight into the smoothing parameter selection problem consider Figure 2.5. Both curves represent nonparametric estimates of the Engel curve, the average expenditure curve as a function of income. The more wiggly curve has been computed using a kernel estimate with a very low smoothing parameter. By contrast, the more flat curve has been computed using a very big smoothing parameter. Which smoothing parameter is correct? This question will be discussed in Chapter 5 .

Figure 2.5: Potatoes versus net income. The wiggly and the flat curve is a nonparametric kernel smooth of the expenditure for potatoes as a function of net income. For this plot the data are normalized by their mean. The kernel was quartic and $h=0.1$, 1.0, $n=7125$, year${}=1973$. Survey (1968-1983). 2557 ANRpotasmooth.xpl

There is another way of looking at the local averaging formula (2.0.2). Suppose that the weights $\{W_{n i}(x)\}$ are positive and sum to one for all $x$, that is,

n^{-1}\sum_{i=1}^n W_{n i}(x)=1.

Then $\hat{m}(x)$ is a least squares estimate at point $x$ since we can write $\hat{m}(x)$ as a solution to the following minimization problem:

\min_\theta n^{-1}\sum_{i=1}^n W_{n i}(x)(Y_i-\theta)^2=n^{-1}\sum_{i=1}^n
W_{n i}(x)(Y_i-\hat{m}(x))^2.
\end{displaymath} (2.0.3)

This formula says that the residuals are weighted quadratically. In other words:

The basic idea of local averaging is equivalent to the procedure of finding a local weighted least squares estimate.

It is well known from the theory of robustness that a wild spike in the raw data affects the small sample properties of local least squares estimates. When such outliers (in $Y$-direction) are present, better performance can be expected from robust smoothers, which give less weight to large residuals. These smoothers are usually defined as nonlinear functions of the data and it is not immediately clear how they fit into the framework of local averaging. In large data sets, however, they can be approximately represented as a weighted average with suitably nonlinearly transformed residuals; see Chapter 6. The general basic idea of weighted averaging expressed by formula (2.0.2) thus applies also to these nonlinear smoothing techniques.